‘What is the use of a house if you haven’t got a tolerable planet to put it on?’ — Henry David Thoreau As it is now a year since I began my journey as an environmental activist last October, starting with Extinction Rebellion and continuing to the fight against HS2 (the high-speed train line fromContinue reading “REFLECTIONS ON A YEAR OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISM”

HS2 illegally destroying wildlife at Denham Country Park

Standoff at the not-okay canal: HS2 illegally destroying wildlife at Denham Country Park Protected wildlife, established woodlands and rare wetlands in Denham Country Park (DCP) and surrounding areas of Buckinghamshire are being decimated by HS2 Ltd as the government rushes to ‘get HS2 done’ while threatening peaceful protesters with arrest Despite former pledges to delayContinue reading “HS2 illegally destroying wildlife at Denham Country Park”